TM 5-3805-258-24-2ENGINEDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYENGINEREMOVE ENGINE1000-11Tools NeededA6V3145Load Leveler1start by:a) remove radiator and guardWARNINGIf NBC exposure is suspected, all air filter mediashould be handled by personnel wearing pro-tective equipment. Consult your unit NBC Offi-cer or NBC NCO for appropriate handling or dis-posal instructions.b) remove air cleanerc) remove mufflerd) remove rear drive shaft1. Remove nuts (2) and disconnect the discon-nect switch (1) from the frame.WARNINGRelease the pressure in the air reservoir beforeany lines are disconnected.NOTE: Models 950BNS and 950BS shown. Hose2.3.4.5.locations for Models 950BNSCE and 950BSCE are slightly different.Disconnect air lines (3) from the engine.Put identification on wires (4), (5) and (6).Disconnect wires (4), (5) and (6) from thestarter and the solenoid.For Models 950BNS and 950BS, disconnectcontrol cable (7) from governor. Removescrews and bracket (8) from engine.For Models 950BNSCE and 950BSCE:a)b)c)Remove screws, cover (24) and gasket.Disconnect control cable (25) fromgovernor.Remove lever (26), screws, and housing(27) from engine.5-148
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