ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYCRANKSHAFT AND GEARREMOVE CRANKSHAFTAND GEAR1202 & 1204-11Tools NeededA8B7548Puller Assembly18H684Ratchet Box Wrench18B7560Step Plate18B7551Bearing Puller Attachment11. by:a) remove hydraulic pump gear trainb) remove timing gear coverc) remove pistonsInstall a 3/4" - 16 NC bolt in the gear end of thecrankshaft. Install two 5/8”- 18 NF bolts in theflywheel end of the crankshaft. Fasten a hoistto the crankshaft.Remove main bearing caps (1).Remove the crankshaft from the cylinderblock. Weight of the crankshaft is approxima-tely 65 kg (145 lb.).Remove main bearings (2) from the block andfrom the caps. Remove the thrust bearings.Use tooling (A) to remove gear (3) from thecrankshaft.INSTALL CRANKSHAFTAND GEAR1201 & 1204- the crankshaft gear to a maximum tem-perature of 315°C(600°F). Install the gear onthe crankshaft with the “C” mark on the geartoward the pulley end of the crankshaft.Clean the surfaces on the cylinder block for themain bearings. Install the upper halves of themain bearings in the block. Put clean engine oilon the bearings.Turn the camshaft so the “C” mark on thecamshaft gear will be toward the “C” mark onthe crankshaft gear when the crankshaft is in-stalled. Put the crankshaft in position in thecylinder block with a hoist. Make sure the tim-ing marks on the camshaft gear and crankshaftgear are in alignment as shown.Clean the Nos. 1 and 5 main bearing caps.Install new bearings in the caps. Put clean en-gine oil on the bearings. Temporarily install thecaps to hold the crankshaft in place.5-145
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