TM 5-3805-258-24-2POWER TRAINDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYTRANSMISSION75. For models 950BNSCE and 950BSCE only,repeat step 74 to install carrier and ring (139)on gear assembly (96).76. Put housing (95) in position on gear assembly(96) as shown. Install bevel spring (97) in thehousings as shown. make sure that the outsideedges of the bevel springs make contact first.77. Install plate (98) on the housing.78. Use steel spacers and a press to put the plateand bevel springs under compression. Installring (99).79. Install ring (100) on the housing as shown.80. Put the housing and gear in position in the gearas shown. Use tool (H) to make a compressionof ring (100) that holds the housing in the gear.5-292
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