POWER TRAINTM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYDISASSEMBLE TRANSFER GEARS3159-15TRANSFER GEARSTools NeededABC1P520Driver Group11P2322Puller Assembly18B75565/8” Adapter18B7548 Puller Assembly18B7560 Step Plate18H684Ratchet Box Wrench18B7551Bearing Puller Attachment11. by:a) separation of transmission from transfergears (see DISASSEMBLE TRANSMIS-SION)Fasten a hoist and turn the transfer gears over.Put the transfer gears on blocks with the backof the case up as shown. The weight of the unitis 231 kg (510 lb.).Remove the bolt and plate (1) from the back ofthe bearing cage.Note: Cover (2) is replaced with supplementalsteering pump.See RemoveSupplementalSteeringGearPump.Remove the nuts, cover (2) and the gasket fromthe back of the bearing cage.Remove bolts (3) that hold bearing cage (4) tothe case.Use two 3/8 “-16 NC forcing screws (5) toloosen bearing cage (4) and the O-ring sealfrom the case. Remove bearing cage (4) and theshims. Keep the shims together for assemblypurposes.Remove O-ring seal (7) and bearing cup (6)from bearing cage (4).5-299
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