OPERATOR’S STATIONSEATASSEMBLE SEAT7312-16Tools NeededAFT1421Seat Spring Installer11. Install lever (3), latch assemblies (1), rods(2). and springs (4) on the housing. Install theretainers that hold the lever and latch assem-blies to the housing. Use a piece of pipe with a15.9 mm (.625 in.) inside diameter approxi-mately 12.7 cm (5 in.) long to install theretainers.2. Put 5H2471 General Purpose Adhesive on thehousing assembly and install pad (5).3. Put roller assemblies (7) in position on the hous-ing assembly.NOTE: Make sure the swaged side (raised metal) (8) ofthe roller is away from the lower housing assembly.4. Install the retainers (6) that hold the rollerassemblies. Use a piece of pipe with a 15.9 mm(.625 in.) inside diameter approximately 12.7cm (5 in.) long to install the retainers.TM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY5. Put plate (9) in position on the housing assem-bly ( 10). Install the bolt that holds the housingassembly on the plate. Tighten the bolt to atorque of 70 ± 7 N•m (50 ± 5 lb. ft.).5-483
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