OPERATOR’S STATIONADJUSTABLE STEERING3. hand metering pump (4) on the steeringcolumn assembly.Put transmission cables (5) and parking brakecable in position in the steering column support.Put bracket assembly (7) in position on the steer-ing column. Install clamps (6) on the bracketassembly.Install the nuts that hold the transmission cableassemblies in position on the steering columnsupport.Install seals (9) and (10) on the cable assemblies.Install ballpoints (8) on the cable assemblies.Turn the handle on the transmission control leverto the “FIRST” speed.Connect speed control cable assembly (12) to therack on the transmission control.NOTE: On models 950BNSCE and 950BSCE,put washer on threaded stud of control cableassembly (11) ball joint.Put the transmission control lever in the “NEU-TRAL” position. Connect direction control ca-ble assembly (11) to the bellcrank on the trans-mission control.NOTE: Make an adjustment to the transmission con-trol linkage.See TRANSMISSION CONTROLLINKAGE ADJUSTMENTS in POWER SHIFTTRANSMISSION TESTING AND ADJUSTING.TM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYCOLUMN5-509
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