TM 5-3805-258-24-2OPERATOR’S STATIONADJUSTABLE13. Remove four bolts (18). Pull hand meteringpump (19) clear of the steering column.14. Fasten a hoist to the steering column. Removethe two bolts and four nuts that hold the steer-ing column bracket to the platform. Removefour nuts (21). Lower the steering column as-sembly. Remove two brackets (20). Removethe steering column assembly (22) from themachine. The weight of the steering columnassembly is 19 kg (42 lb.).INSTALL ADJUSTABLE STEERINGCOLUMN4310-121. Put steering column assembly (2) in positionthrough the floor. Install brackets (1) on thesteering column. Pull the steering column assem-bly up and put the brackets in position on thestuds in the bottom of the platform. Install thefour nuts that hold the brackets in position.2. Put the steering column bracket assembly (3) inposition on the platform. Install the bolts and nutsthat hold it.DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYSTEERING COLUMNNOTE: See Assemble Adjustable Steering ColumnStep 27 for the correct adjustment of the nuts on thesteering column tilt lock shaft.5-508
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