OPERATOR’S STATIONADJUSTABLEREMOVE ADJUSTABLE STEERINGCOLUMN4310- four bolts (2). Remove plates (3).Slide boot (1) up the steering column.Remove four bolts (6) from each side of thesteering column.Pull boot down below the shrouds. Removeshrouds (4) and (5) from the steering column.Disconnect balljoint (7) from the bellcrank. Re-move the balljoint from cable (8).Remove seals (9) and (11) from the cable.Remove nut (12) and pull cable (8) clear of thesteering column.Do the procedure in Steps 5 through 7 again forcable (10).Remove knob (13) from the parking brake cable.10. Remove nuts (15) and pull parking brake cable(14) clear of the steering column.11a. For models 950BNS and 950BS, removeclamps (17) from the steering column.11b. Pull bracket assembly (16) clear of the steer-ing column.12. For models 950BNSCE and 950BSCE, removetwo bolts from parking brake air valve. Moveair valve away from steering column.TM 5-3805’258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYSTEERING COLUMN5-507
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