TM 5-3805-258-24-2SECTION IGENERAL1-1 PurposeTo provide user and support and personnel supplementalmaintenance and repair parts instructions that have specialapplication to Commercial Construction Equipment (CCE) items.1-2 Scope.This section applies to department of the Army Units,Organizations and Activities that use\or support the CCE Scoop Loader,Caterpillar Model 950B.1-3 CCE Item.The term "CCE Item" used in this publication appliesto a standard commercial item of commercial equiment that has beenapproved for a specific TOE requirement and is procured and supportedunder the CCE system plan.This plan permits maximum utilization ofthe civilian construction industry’s competitive research anddevelopment, manufacturer’s equipment publications, and commercialsources for repair parts.1-4Description:A.This loader is a commercial 2 1/2 cubic yard capacityloader, scoop type, DED 4 x 4 articulated frame steering.The loaderis a Caterpillar Tractor Co. Model 950B front end scoop loader that isrubber tire mounted.When equipped with the 2 1/2 cubic yardmulti-purpose bucket, non-sectionalized, it is referred to as the TypeI Loader, Models 950BNS and 950BNSCE.When equipped with a 2 1/2cubic yard multi-purpose bucket, sectionalized, it is referred to asthe Type II Loader, Models 950BS and 950BSCE.The Loader will beidentified by the CCE manufacturer’s serial number and the UnitedStates Army (USA) number.The NSNS for the Type I machines are, Model950BNS NSN 3805-01-126-7914, Model 950BNSCE NSN 3805-01-260-5163.TheNSNS for the Type II machines are, Model 950BS NSN 3805-01-126-7915,Model 950BSCE NSN 3805-01-260-5162.B.The Loader is powered by a Caterpillar 3304 engine whichdevelops 155 HP (2200 RPM) at the flywheel.The power train consistsof a single stage torque converter and planetary power shifttransmission.The Torque Converter drives a planetary transmission.The transmission has four speeds FORWARD and four speeds REVERSE. Ithas a planetary gear system and six hydraulic clutches.The gear onthe transmission output shaft is engaged with the transfer outputshaft gear to send power through universal joints to the driveshafts.The drive shafts are connected with splines to a pinion shaftin each differential.The pinion shaft turns a bevel gear which isfastened to the differential case.The differential case containsfour pinions, installed on a spider and two gears.The four pinionsare engaged at right angles with two side gears.The side gears areconnected with splines to the inner ends of the the drive axles.5-533
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