TM 5-3805-262-103-5. TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION21. STEERING SYSTEM NOT OPERATING PROPERLYBe sure transport/service link is disengaged before drivingvehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury ordeath due to loss of steering control..Step 1. Park loader on level surface, lowerbucket to ground, turn off engine, andpull up on parking brake control.Check hydraulic oil level in sightgage in front of loader.Oil level must be seen in sight gage.a. If oil level is not seen in sightgage, add hydraulic oil (refer toLO 5-3805-262-12).b. If oil level is seen in sightgage, go to step 2 below.Step 2.Check that all tires are inflated to40 psi.a. If tires are not properly inflat-ed, notify organizationalmaintenance.b. If all tires are inflated to 40psi, go to step 3 below.Step 3.Start engine and turn load-er completely to right.Check steering cylinder as-semblies for oil leakage.Notify organizational main-tenance.3-31
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business