TM 5-3805-262-103-7. INSPECTION (CONT)b.Fuel Tank.(1)(2)(3)(4)Unlock and remove engine rear right and left side panels.Inspect fuel tank for cracks andbroken welds. Notify organiza-tional maintenance if any ofthese conditions are seen (fueltank must be replaced).Check beneath fuel tank forsigns of fuel leakage indicatingcracks or holes in fuel tank.Notify organizational mainte-nance if any of these conditionsare seen (fuel tank must bereplaced).Install and lock engine rearside panels.c.RadiatorAssembly.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Open radiator grille at rear of loader.Inspect radiator for coolant leakage, damaged fins, or debris on fins.Remove debris as necessary. If coolant leakage or damaged fins are seen,notify organizational maintenance (radiator must be removed and replac-ed).Close radiator grille.Unlock and open radiator cap access panel.Check that radiator cap is tight. If necessary, tighten radiator cap.Close and lock radiator cap access panel.Unlock and remove engine rear right and left side panels.At top and bottom of radiator, check radiator hoses for coolant leaks,cracks, or chafing. If any of these conditions are seen, notify organiza-tional maintenance (hoses must be replaced).Install and lock engine rear right and left side panels.3-36
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