TM 5-3805-262-20
In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before discon-
necting and removing to aid in installation.
At either left or right side of loader bucket assembly, remove capscrew
(1), lock washer (2), clamp (3), and spacer (4).
( 3)
Loosen and disconnect hoses (5 and 6) fittings from clam cylinder
assembly. Remove hoses (5 and 6).
If necessary, remove two elbows (7) and 0-rings (8). Discard 0-rings.
Repeat steps (1) through (3) above to disconnect and remove hoses (5 and
6) from remaining clam cylinder assembly.
At center of loader bucket assembly, loosen tubes (9 and 10) tube fitting
a t c o n n e c t i o n s t o t e e s ( 1 6 a n d 1 8 ) . R e m o v e t u b e s ( 9 a n d 1 0 ).
Remove capscrew (11), lock washer (12), clamp (13), and spacer (14).
Remove tubes (15 and 17) with tees (16 and 18) installed.
If necessary, loosen tubes (15 and 17) fittings, then remove tees (16 and