TM 5-3805-262-203-7. COOLING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. ENGINE OVERHEATS (Cont).Step 3.I n s p e c t a l t e r n a t o r d r i v e b e l t s f o r d a m a g e , w e a r , o i l c o n t a m i n a t i o n,or riding deeply in pulley grooves .a. If any of the above conditions are seen, replace both belts as amatched set (page 5-4).b. If none of the above conditions are seen, go to step 4 below.Step 4.Open radiator cap access panel.R e m o v e r a d i a t o rc a p s l o w l y t or e l i e v e p r e s s u r e b e f o r e c o m p l e t e lyremoving when engine is hot. Failuret o d o s o c o u l d c a u s e s e v e r e b u r nsd u e t o h o t s t e a m s c a l d i n g y o u . Ifyou are scalded by hot steam, seekmedical aid immediately.With engine idling, remove radi-ator cap and watch coolant tosee if it moves indicating waterpump is operating.a. If coolant movement is notseen, replace water pump(page 4-94).b . If coolant movement is seen, shut off engine and go to step 5below.Before performing following step, make sure that engine is shut down.F a i l u r e t o d o s o w i l l c a u s e s e r i o u s b o d i l y i n j u r y i f y o u a t t e m p t tograsp fan. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately.Step 5.Grasp fan and see if you can move it forward and backward.Check area around water pump for coolant leakage.a. If fan can be moved forward and backward, bearings in water pumpare bad. Replace water pump (page 4-94).If coolant leakage is seen in area around water pump, water pumphas bad seal. Replace water pump (page 4-94).b. If fan cannot be moved forward and backward and coolant leakageis not seen, go to step 6 below.3-54
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