TM 5-3805-262-203-5. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont).Step 11. Service electric fuel pump (page 4-14).Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position.Pressure gage connected to electric fuel pump should indicate 3.2 to9 p s i.Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position.a. If electric fuel pump indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, troubleshooting iscomplete; problem was clogged filter in electric fuel pump.Disconnect pressure gage and elbow from electric fuel pump port.Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel in-jection pump feed pump.Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).b. If pressure gage still does not indicate 3.2 to 9 psi, replacedefective electric fuel pump (page 4-16).2. EXCESSIVE FUEL USAGE.Step 1 .Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check forf u e l l e a k s a t f u e l i n j e c t o r l i n e s.a . I f f u e l l e a k s a r e s e e n , t i g h t e n f u e l l i n e s . I f t i g h t e n i n g d o esno good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injectorlines must be replaced).b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 2 below.Step 2.Check that drain plug in bottom of fuel tank is tight.Check fuel tank for leakage and damage.a. If drain plug is loose, tighten. If fuel tank leaks or is dam-aged, replace (page 4-34).b. If fuel tank is okay, notify next higher maintenance level tocheck engine tune-up adjustments.3-50
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