TM 5-3805-262-203-10. INSTRUMENT PANELS TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION8. FUEL LEVEL GAGE DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont).Step 2.Check wiring connection between fuel level gage and fuel level send-i n g u n i t.a. If wiring connection is bad , repair or replace wiring as neces-sary (page 5-168 or 5-174).b. If wiring is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) andcheck fuel level gage (page 5-41). If gage is bad, replace (page5-39). If gage is okay, replace circuit board (page 5-39).9. CONVERTER TEMPERATURE GAGE DOES NOT OPERATE.Step 1.Disconnect yellow-red wire from terminal of converter temperaturesending unit (page 5-125).Tell an assistant to hold yellow-red wire terminal against loaderground.Place ignition key switch in on position and watch converter temper-ature gage. Gage pointer should move to top.a. If converter temperature gage pointer moves to top, refer topage 3-93 sending units troubleshooting.b. If converter temperature gage pointer does not move to top, goto step 2 below.Step 2.Check wiring connection between converter temperature gage and con-verter temperature sending unit.a. If wiring connection is bad , repair or replace wiring assary (page 5-168 or 5-174).b. If wiring is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34)check converter temperature gage (page 5-41). If gage isn e c e s-andbad,replace (page 5-39). If gage is okay, replace circuit board(page 5-39).10. AIR PRESSURE GAGE DOES NOT OPERATE.Step 1.Disconnect red-green wire from terminal of air pressure sender (page5-137).Tell an assistant to hold red-green wire terminal against loaderground.Place ignition key switch in on position and watch air pressuregage. Gage pointer should move to bottom.3-79
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