TM 5-3805-262-203-10. INSTRUMENT PANELS TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION6. VOLTMETER DOES NOT OPERATE.Step 1.Place ignition key switch in on position. Warning lights at bottomof instrument cluster should be on.a. If at least one warning light is on, go to step 4 below.b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 2 below.Step 2.Press bottom 5 ampere circuit breaker button located on right in-strument panel.a. If at least one warning light is on, circuit breaker wast r i p p e d .If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, go to step 4 below.b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 3 below.step 3.Place vehicle lights switch at right instrument panel in several po-sitions and check operation of loader lights.a . I f a t l e a s t o n e l o a d e r l i g h t i s o n , p l a c e v e h i c l e l i g h t s s w i t chin off position. Check wiring connection between ignition switchA C C t e r m i n a l a n d 5 a m p e r e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r a t r i g h t i n s t r u m e ntpanel for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary(page 5-168) .If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 5 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53).If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, go to step 4 below.b. If at least one loader light is not on, refer to page 3-81 lightsystems troubleshooting.Step 4.Place ignition key switch in off position.Tag and disconnect wire leads from voltmeter terminals (page 5-34).Connect 24 volts directly to voltmeter terminals.Voltmeter should indicate 23 to 25 volts.Disconnect 24 volts source from voltmeter terminals.a. If voltmeter does not indicate 23 to 25 volts, remove left in-strument panel (page 5-34) and replace voltmeter (page 5-39).b . I f v o l t m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 3 t o 2 5 v o l t s , c h e c k v o l t m e t e r w i r i ngconnections for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as neces -sary (page 5-168).3-77
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