TM 5-3805-262-203-19. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. AIR PRESSURE GAGE INDICATES LOW AIR PRESSURE (LOW AIR PRESSURE BUZZER NOTSOUNDING) (Cont).Step 2.Touch wire lead disconnected in step 1 above to clean metal area ofc h a s s i s.AIR PRESS gage should indicate in red zone (low air pressure).a. If AIR PRESS gage indicates in red zone, replace(page 5-136).b. If AIR PRESS gage does not indicate in red zone,in wire lead connected between gage and pressurepressure sendercheck for opensender .If wire lead is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) andreplace AIR PRESS gage (page 5-39).3. LOW AIR PRESSURE (AIR PRESSURE GAGE INDICATES IN RED ZONE AND LOW AIR PRES-SURE BUZZER SOUNDS).Step 1.Check that air reservoir drain valve is fully closed.a . I f d r a i n v a l v e i s n o t f u l l y c l o s e d , c l o s e t i g h t l y.b. If drain valve is fully closed, go to step 2 below.Step 2.Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).Check air compressor drive belt adjustment (page 7-97).a. If air compressor drive belt is not adjusted properly, adjust(page 7-97).b. If air compressor drive belt is adjusted properly, go to step 3below.3-121
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