TM 5-3805-262-203-20. WHEELS AND TIRES TROUBLESHOOTINGMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. TIRE WEARING UNEVENLY.Engage transport/service link (page 9-8).Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loaderEnsure that parking brake is released.from moving.B e s u r e t r a n s p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k i s e n g a g e d b e f o r e r a i s i n g a x l e . F a i l u ret o d o s o m a y c a u s e l o a d e r t o t u r n a n d s l i p o f f j a c k o r j a c k s t a n d sc a u s i n g s e r i o u s i n j u r y o r d e a t h .I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d b y f a l l i n gequipment, obtain medical aid immediately.Raise one axle and wheels off ground and secure with jack stands.Rotate wheel by hand; there should be a slight drag on wheel.Repeat for remaining wheel and axle.a. If there is excessive drag on wheels, brake caliper piston issticking. Replace brake caliper (page 7-28).b. If there is slight or no drag on wheels, notify next highermaintenance level to check wheel bearing adjustment.2. NOISY OR BUMPING SOUND WHILE TRAVELING.Step 1.Check wheel lug nuts for tightness (should be tightened to 340 to4 2 0 l b - f t t o r q u e ).a . I f l u g n u t s a r e l o o s e , t i g h t e n .b. If lug nuts are tight, go to step 2 below.Step 2. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8).Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving.Ensure that parking brake is in released position.3-138
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