TM 5-3805-262-203-31. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont) .Step 5.Disconnect fuel supply hose atfuel injection pump feed pump.Hold end of fuel supply hosev e r t i c a l l y .T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o t u r n i g n i t i o nkey switch to on position.Check that fuel is pumped throughfuel supply hose.T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o t u r n i g n i t i onkey switch to off position.a .b.If fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose, hold fuel supplyhose vertically to keep it filled with fuel. Reconnect fuelsupply hose to fuel injection pump feed pump. Go to step 6below.If fuel is not pumped through fuel supply hose, go to step 8below.Step 6. At fuel injection pump feed pump, loosen bail lock nut.Lower and remove fuel bowl with gasket, element, and spring.Check fuel element for varnish coating or clogged condition.Check fuel bowl for sediment.a. If fuel element is coated with varnish or clogged, service it(page 4-19); if sediment in fuel bowl, clean fuel bowl (page4-19). Go to step 7 below.b. If fuel element and fuel bowl are okay, install spring, fuelelement, and gasket in fuel bowl. Install fuel bowl with in-stalled parts. Slide bail into position and tighten lock nutfinger tight. Go to step 7 below.Step 7.Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40).Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch VTMd i s p l a y .VTM display should indicate 20 to 30 psi.3-250
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