TM 5-3805-262-20
Main Switch OFF.
A l l l i g h t s a r e t u r n e d o f f . When brake treadle pressed, stop light
at rear of loader will not turn on.
Main Switch STOP LIGHT.
Power from pin F routed out pins A and J to enable stop
light switch (pin A) and enable turn signals (pin J). When brake treadle pressed,
s t o p l i g h t i n s t o p - t a i l l i g h t s w i l l t u r n o n ( p i n C ). Auxiliary switch can be in any
p o s i t i o n.
Main Switch SER. DRIVE.
Power from pin F routed out pins A, H, J, and M to enable
stop light switch (pin A), turn on tail lights at rear of loader (pin H), enable
t u r n s i g n a l s ( p i n J ), and turn on driving lamps and enable FLOOD LIGHTS switch (pin
M). When brake treadle is pressed, stop light in stop-tail lights will turn on (pin
C). Placing FLOOD LIGHTS switch in On position will turn on front and rear flood
lights. Auxiliary switch can be in any position.
Auxiliary Switch PANEL BRT.
Power from pin F routed out pin B to turn on
illumination lamps in instrument panel cluster and Voltmeter, and enable cab dome
lamp switch. Brightness of lamps can be set by DIMMER COMPT LIGHTS control. Main
switch can be in any position other than OFF.
Auxiliary Switch DIM.
Same as PANEL BRT. position above.
Auxiliary Switch OFF.
Instrument panels illumination lamps all off.
Auxiliary Switch PARK.
Same as PANEL BRT. position above.
Mounted beneath instrument panel. Connected in
series with air pressure switch installed in Parking Brake Control. When air pres-
sure falls below 64 to 76 psi, air pressure switch closes applying 24 Vdc to warning
alarm. Alarm sounds warning operator that air pressure is below level necessary to
s a f e l y o p e r a t e l o a d e r.
Connected in series between Ignition Key switch start termin-
al and cold start solenoid. Pressing switch energizes cold start solenoid in turn
injecting measured amount of ether into intake manifold. Used as starting aid when
ambient temperature is below 32 degrees. Switch is operable only when Ignition Key
s w i t c h i s i n s t a r t p o s i t i o n .
Connected in series with hydraulic filter switches
installed in steering hydraulic filter and hydraulic system hydraulic filter. When
pressure increases in hydraulic filters due to clogging condition, switches close.
When any one switch closes, HYDRAULIC FILTER light comes on indicating filter is
clogged and must be changed. Resistor (40 ohms 2 watts) in circuit limits current
through lamp.
Connected in series with cab dome light and switch,
voltmeter illumination lamp, and instrument panel cluster illumination lamps.
Clockwise rotation increases resistance dimming these lights and lamps;
counterclockwise rotation decreases resistance causing lights and lamps to be
b r i g h t l y l i t . Resistor (15 ohms 25 watts) in circuit limits current through
illuminating lamps.