TM 5-3805-262-201-22. LEFT INSTRUMENT PANEL (CONT)1. INSTRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER.Includes warning indicators and following gages: CONVTEMP, AIR PRESS, FUEL LEVEL, and WATER TEMP.2. BRAKE ENGAGED INDICATOR.Connected in series with air activated switch mountedin port of Parking Brake Control. Switch is normally closed applying ground toindicator light causing it to turn on. Air pressure supplied to parking brake brakechamber causes switch to open disconnecting ground to indicator light in turncausing it to turn off. Resistor (40 ohms,2 w a t t s ) i n c i r c u i t l i m i t s c u r r e ntthrough indicator.3. ALTERNATOR INDICATOR. Not connected.4. ENGINE OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR.Connected in series with oil pressure switchlocated in engine cylinder block assembly. Switch is normally closed turningindicator on. Increasing oil pressure causes switch to open turning indicator off.Resistor (40 ohms, 2 watts) in circuit limits current through indicator.5. CLUTCH OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR.Connected in series with oil pressure switchinstalled in transmission. Switch is normally closed turning indicator on. Increas -ing pressure causes switch to open turning indicator off. Resistor (40 ohms, 2w a t t s ) i n c i r c u i t l i m i t s c u r r e n t t h r o u g h i n d i c a t o r .6. CONV TEMP GAGE.Connected in series with 24 Vdc and temperature sender installedin transmission. Temperature sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage acrossgage . At high temperatures, resistance decreases; at low temperatures, resistanceincreases .7. AIR PRESS GAGE.Connected in series with air pressure sender installed in airreservoir port. Air pressure sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage acrossgage. At low air pressure resistance is low;at high pressure resistance is high.8. FUEL LEVEL GAGE.Connected in series with fuel level sender installed in fueltank. Sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage across gage. When fuel levelis low, resistance is low; resistance increases with quantity of fuel in fuel tank.9. WATER TEMP GAGE.Connected in series with engine water temperature senderinstalled in engine water manifold. Sender acts as variable resistor varying voltageacross gage. When water temperature is high, resistance is low; low temperature,r e s i s t a n c e i s h i g h .10. AUXILIARY STEERING BUZZER AND INDICATOR.Buzzer and indicator connected acrossauxiliary steering motor and pump solenoid. Buzzer sounds warning operator thatprimary hydraulic pump is not operating and indicator turns on indicating thatauxiliary steering motor and pump is operating.11. VOLTMETER.Connected across ignition key switch accessory terminal and ground.I n d i c a t e s v o l t a g e o f b a t t e r i e s.12. WINDSHIELD WASHER CONTROL.Part of pneumatic system. Pushing control inwardapplies compressed air to washer pressure reservoir, which in turn, forces washersolvent via hoses from washer nozzle mounted in front of windshield.1-20
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