TM 5-3805-262-203-34. BATTERY SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont).S t e p 6 . ( C o n t ).b. If batteries are okay, go to step 7 below .Step 7. Check cable connections at battery posts.a. Clean or tighten battery cable connections as necessary.b. If battery cable connections are okay, go to step 8 below.Step 8. Check batteries specific gravity (page 5-144).a . I f c o r r e c t e d s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y o f a l l b a t t e r y c e l l s i s 1 . 2 2 5 to1.260, and difference between highest and lowest value is lessthan 0.050, battery is charged and okay.b . I f c o r r e c t e d s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y o f a n y b a t t e r y c e l l i s l e s s t h an1.225, or if difference between highest and lowest value is morethan 0.050, charge battery (page 5-146) and repeat step 1 above.St ep 9.Dial 89 into TEST SELECT.Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip.Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST.Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should bebetween -6.8 to +6.8. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer toTM 9-4910-571-12&P).3-291
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