TM 5-3805-262-203-34. BATTERY SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. BATTERIES NEED WATER FREQUENTLY.Step 1.A p p l y p a r k i n g b r a k e a n d p l a c e t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l l e v e r i n N( n e u t r a l ) p o s i t i o n .Start engine and operate at 1800 rpm.Record voltmeter indication and turn off engine.a. If voltmeter indicates more than 31 volts, refer to page 3-256,charging system troubleshooting.b. If voltmeter indicates 24 to 31 volts, go to step 2 below.Step 2. Test batteries (MALFUNCTION 2, page 3-286, below).a. Replace a defective battery (page 5-148) .b. If batteries test okay, check wiring connection at alternatorBAT terminal,starter relay, and starter solenoid BAT terminalfor corrosion or loose connection. Clean and tighten connectionsas necessary.If wiring connections are okay, check for high resistance inbattery cables (refer to page 3-283, MALFUNCTION 3, step 15).2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAINStep 1.Open radiator grille atr e a r o f l o a d e r.Connect STE/ICE powercable W5 connector P1 toVTM J1.Check that VTM PUSHON/PULL OFF switch is inOFF position.Connect power cable W5 redclip lead to loaderbattery positive post andblack clip lead to loaderbattery negative post.Do STE/ICE confidence test(TM 9-4910-571-12&P) .Dial 60 into TEST SELECTand press and release TESTbut ton.CHARGE.3-286
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