TM 5-3805-262-203-34. BATTERY SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont).Step 10. (Cont).Measure voltage drop acrosseach cable connected betweenstarter relay end terminals andStep 11.starter solenoid BAT and S ter-m i n a l s.Do this by connecting testprobe cable W2 clip test leadsacross cable to be measured.Press and release TEST button.Crank engine then return igni-tion key switch to off posi-t i o n .Voltage drop on VTM displayshould be less than 0.2 volt.a. If voltage drop is more than 0.2 volt, disconnect cable. Cleanterminals that cable was connected to and cable terminals. Rein-stall cable and repeat above test. If VTM still displays over0.2 volt, replace cable (page 5-16). Repeat step 1 above.b. If voltage drop is less than 0.2 volt, go to step 11 below.Dial 89 into TEST SELECT.Move red test clip of test probe cableW2 to G terminal of starter solenoidand black test clip to starter motorground terminal.Press and release TEST button.Crank engine and watch VTM display.a. If VTM displays less than 0.2volt, check for loose or corrodedconnection between starter sole-noid MTR terminal and starter po-sitive terminal. Remove connectorbetween these two terminals andcheck for dirt or corrosion .Repeat step 1 above.3-293
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