TM 5-3805-262-204-2. FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT)d. A i r C l e a n e r .This task covers servicing, removal, disassembly, cleaning,inspection, reassembly, and installation of the air cleaner. Element assembliesshould be serviced whenever red indicator band in restriction indicator is visible .(1) Servicing.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitS l i p j o i n t p l i e r sExtension lightMATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)Detergent (Appendix C, item 3)( a ) P r e c l e a n e r S e r v i c i n g.Loosen cover wingnut (l), thenremove cover (2) and wingnut (l).Remove precleaned bowl (3).Dump any dust and/or dirtcontained in precleaned bowl (3).Wash precleaned bowl (3) insolution of water and detergent.Dry using clean cloth.Install precleaned bowl (3) on air cleaner body.Install cover (2) andwingnut (l); hand tightencover wingnut securely.(b) Element Assemblies Servicing.Loosen cover wingnut (4)and remove cover assembly(5) with wingnut (4)a t t a c h e d.Loosen and remove nutassembly (6).Remove primary elementassembly (7).Loosen and remove nutassembly (8).4-20
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