TM 5-3805-262-205-2. ALTERNATOR MAINTENANCEa. T e s t i n g .This task covers on-vehicle testing of the alternator. Perform thisprocedure anytime you suspect alternator problems.(1) Alternator Voltage Test.This test verifies wiring continuity and checksalternator output voltage. Perform this test before doing alternator output currentt e s t s ( p a g e 5 - 8 ).TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitMultimeterNOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left rear side panel removed (page 9-14).TESTING (SHEET 1 OF 2)(a) Connect multimeter negative lead to alternator housing and multimeterpositive lead to BAT terminal as shown.(b) Record multimeter indication.(c) If multimeter indication recorded in step (b) above is approximately 24v o l t s ( b a t t e r y v o l t a g e ), wiring for alternator output is okay. Go tostep (e) below.(d) If multimeter indication is not approximately 24 volts (battery volt-age), troubleshoot wiring harness and connections between alternator BATterminal and batteries (page 3-60) before doing the following alternatort e s t s .5-6
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