TM 5-3805-262-20
( 4 ) I n s p e c t l a m p s ( 3, 14, and 16) for cracked glass, broken filaments, or
corroded or broken contacts. Connect multimeter between lamp contacts.
Multimeter should indicate continuity.
If any of the above conditions are
seen or if multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace lamp.
(5) Inspect instrument panel (28) for cracks, dents, or other damage. Replace
instrument panel if any of these conditions are seen.
Use proper polarity in following steps to prevent damage to voltmeter or
buzzer .
( 8)
Inspect voltmeter (44) for cracked glass, bent or broken pointer, illegi -
ble marking, or damaged terminal. Connect 24 volts to voltmeter (positive
to IGN terminal, negative to voltmeter case). Voltmeter should indicate
22 to 26 volts. Replace voltmeter if voltmeter does not operate or volt -
age indication is not 22 to 26 volts.
Connect 24 volts between buzzer terminals, o b s e r v i n g c o r r e c t p o l a r i t y .
Buzzer should sound and red light should be on. If buzzer does not oper-
a t e , r e p l a c e i t .
Inspect gages (36 thru 39) for cracks, broken glass, broken or bent gage
pointer, illegible markings, or damaged terminal pins. Connect 12 volts
between top and bottom terminal of each gage. Check that gage pointer
moves when 12 volts is applied to top and bottom terminals. Replace gage
if any of the above conditions are seen or if gage pointer does not move.
I n s p e c t c i r c u i t b o a r d ( 4 1 ) f o r c r a c k s ; r e p l a c e i f c r a c k e d . I n s t a l l g a g es
(36 thru 39) on circuit board. Connect 12 volts between numbered pins at
rear of circuit board as listed below. Pointer on listed gage should move
when 12 volts is applied to associated pins. If gage pointer does not
m o v e , r e p l a c e c i r c u i t b o a r d.
( - )
P in
P i n
Converter Temp
Air Pressure
Water Temp
Fuel Level
Inspect case (42) for cracks or damage. Check case mounting studs for
stripped or damaged threads. Repair damaged threads using proper size
die. Replace instrument panel cluster as an assembly if case (42) re-
quires replacement.
Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged
threads; replace as necessary.