TM 5-3805-262-20
e. Place transport/service link in engaged position.
f. Make sure transmission and hydraulic control levers are in their neutral posi-
t i o n s .
g. Place blocks at front and rear of each tire.
h. I n s t a l l c h a in
t r a i l e r .
tiedowns at rear of front and rear chassis t o f a s t e n l o a d e r t o
i. Place a cover such as heavy paper over exhaust pipe and use tape to keep it in
p l a c e .
j. Measure from ground to highest point of loader. Clearance height of loader
must be known when driving under overpasses so as not to damage loader. Tell
t r a n s p o r t d r i v e r o f c l e a r a n c e h e i g h t .
a .
Dont allow personnel in or near the loader when it is being towed with
the engine stopped. To do so could cause serious injury or death.
Be sure that loader can be towed without causing further damage.