2-8.TM 5-3805-262-20b. Raise loader bucket three feet above the ground as follows:( 1 ) A t t a c h a c h a i n h o i s t t o l o a d e r b u c k e t.(2) Pull LIFT ARM control lever back to RAISE position.(3) Raise loader bucket and release LIFT ARM control lever. Bucket willremain in raised position.c. Place transport/service link in engaged position. If loader is turned to ones i d e:( 1 ) C l e a r p e r s o n n e l f r o m a r e a.(2)(3)(4)Pull fuel shut-off knob all the way out.Turn ignition key switcht o s t a r t p o s i t i o n a n d atthe same time turn steer-ing wheel. When loader iss t r a i g h t , i n s t a l l t r a n s-p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k . D o n ’toperate starter motor morethan 30 seconds at a timewithout allowing twominutes for it to cool.Place ignition key switchi n o f f p o s i t i o n.d. Attach rigid drawbar to loader rear draw bar pin.e. Ensure that transmission control lever is in neutral (N) position.f. Remove the front and rear drive shafts (pages 6-34 and 6-45, respectively) ifloader is to be towed more that 1/2 mile.g . I f p o s s i b l e , g e t a n a u x i l i a ryh. Attach a second unit, such asI f f r o n t o r r e a r a x l e f a i l u r eair supply for loader brake system .a dozer, to rear of loader as close as possible.i sremove axle shafts before movingi. Tow disabled loader at a maximumNOTEsuspected, notify direct support tol o a d e r.speed of five miles per hour.The loader can be air transported in C-130, C-141, and C5A aircraft with cab removedto reduce loader height to 106.5 inches. All removed parts shall be palletized forair transport with the loader.2-13
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