TM 5-3805-262-205-9. BATTERIES AND CABLES MAINTENANCE (CONT)a. B a t t e r i e s ( c o n t ) .(2) Testing (cont).SPECIFIC GRAVITY CHECK (SHEET 1 OF 2)( a )(b)(c)(d)(e)( f )(g)Check battery electrolyte level (page5-140). If water must be added to checks p e c i f i c g r a v i t y , f a s t c h a r g e b a t t e ry(page 5-146) for 30 minutes beforeproceeding. Do not re-install batteryc e l l c a p s.Draw electrolyte sample from one batterycell using hydrometer.Record hydrometer indication as showna n d r e t u r n e l e c t r o l y t e t o b a t t e r y c e l l .Lower thermometer into battery cell,record electrolyte temperature, andremove thermometer.Repeat steps (b) through (d) for remaining battery cells.Correct the hydrometer indicationsfor temperature as shown. Add0.004 for each 10 degrees above 80degrees F.Subtract 0.004 for each10 degrees below 80 degrees F.Compare corrected specific gravityi n d i c a t i o n s w i t h f o l l o w i n g l i stand determine battery level ofcharge .B a t t e ryFreezing PointChargeS p e c i f ico f E l e c t r o l y te(Percent)G r a v i ty(degrees F)1001.260-75751.230-38501.200-17251.170+ 101.110+195-144
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