TM 5-3805-262-203-2. TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX (CONT)FRONT AND REAR AXLESLubricant leaking from axle breatherContinuous axle or wheel noiseDifferential carrier assembly overheatingL u b r i c a n t l e a k i n g f r o m d i f f e r e n t i a l c a r r i erPARKING BRAKE SYSTEMParking brake does not apply (will not hold)Parking brake will not releaseSERVICE BRAKE SYSTEMUneven or erratic service brakesPoor brake actionService brakes grabService brakes squeak or groan at end of stopService brakes do not stop loader (air systemoperating okay)AIR BRAKE SYSTEMLow air pressure warning buzzer soundsAir pressure gage indicates low air pressure (lowair pressure buzzer not sounding)Low air pressure (air pressure gage indicates inred zone and low air pressure buzzer sounds)Air pressure builds up slowlyAir pressure will not build up to normalAir pressure too high or air compressor will notcut outAir compressor fails to maintain sufficient airp r e s s u reNoisy operation of air compressorWHEELS AND TIRESTire wearing unevenlyNoisy or bumpy sound while travelingSTEERING SYSTEMNo response when steering wheel turnedSlow or hard steeringWrong response to steering wheelTouchy or erratic steering responseAuxiliary steering system does not operateFRAMELoud clunk heard when loader turnsExcessive noise at chassis spindles when turningExcessive play at chassis spindles when turningExcessive noise at rear chassis trunnionPara/Malfunction Page3-16/13-16/23-16/33-16/43-17/13-17/23-18/13-18/23-18/33-18/43-18/53-19/13-19/23-19/33-19/43-19/53-19/63-19/73-19/83-20/13-20/23-21/13-21/23-21/33-21/43-21/53-22/13-22/23-22/33-22/43-1113-1113-1113-1113-1123-1123-1133-1133-1153-1153-1163-1203-1203-1213-1283-1313-1323-1323-1353-1383-1383-1403-1413-1463-1463-1473-1533-1533-1543-1543 -4
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