TM 5-3805-262-20
c. C a l i p e r s .
This task covers removal and installation of brake calipers and
bleeding air from brake system.
TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit
Fixed open end wrench set
Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive
Automotive Mechanics Tool Kit
Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive
No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit
Socket wrench adapter, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female
Chain hoist
Jack stands
Pressure fluid tank
MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)
Brake fluid (Appendix C, item 11)
PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Brake shoes and lining removed (page 7-19) and
tubing disconnected from brake caliper (page 7-34 or 7-42).
B e f o r e p e r f o r m i n g f o l l o w i n g s t e p , b e s u re
t h a t c h a s s i s i s s e c u r e l y
s u p p o r t e d b y j a c k s t a n d s. Failure to do so could cause chassis to fall
on you causing serious injury or death.
(1) Attach chain hoist to brake caliper and take up all slack.