TM 5-3805-262-20
(c) Check for brake fluid leakage at
rear of brake actuators where tube
( e )
( f )
connects to adapter. If leakage is
observed, t i g h t e n f i t t i n g s . I f l e a k-
age continues, replace the part
(page 7-34 or 7-42).
Check tube between brake actuator
and tee mounted on axle for cracks,
d e n t s , l e a k a g e , o r o t h e r i n d i c a t i o n s
of damage. If any of these condi-
tions are observed, replace the part
(page 7-34 or 7-42).
Check for brake fluid leakage at tee mounted on axle. Tighten tube fit-
tings if necessary. If leakage continues, replace the part (page 7-34 or
Check that tee mounting hardware is secure; tighten if necessary.
(g) Check tubes between tee and brake calipers for cracks, dents, leakage,
or other indications of damage. If any of these conditions are observed,
replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).
(h) Check for brake fluid leakage at brake calipers where tube connects to
a d a p t e r . I f l e a k a g e i s o b s e r v e d , t i g h t e n f i t t i n g s . I f l e a k a g e c o n t i n u e s,
replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).
(i) Repeat steps (a) through (h) above for front or rear brake system hoses,
l i n e s , a n d f i t t i n g s.
(j) Install engine left side panels (page 9-17) and close and lock front
access door.