TM 5-3805-262-20INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2)(c) Check for brake fluid leakage atrear of brake actuators where tube(d)( e )( f )connects to adapter. If leakage isobserved, t i g h t e n f i t t i n g s . I f l e a k-age continues, replace the part(page 7-34 or 7-42).Check tube between brake actuatorand tee mounted on axle for cracks,d e n t s , l e a k a g e , o r o t h e r i n d i c a t i o n sof damage. If any of these condi-tions are observed, replace the part(page 7-34 or 7-42).Check for brake fluid leakage at tee mounted on axle. Tighten tube fit-tings if necessary. If leakage continues, replace the part (page 7-34 or7-42).Check that tee mounting hardware is secure; tighten if necessary.(g) Check tubes between tee and brake calipers for cracks, dents, leakage,or other indications of damage. If any of these conditions are observed,replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).(h) Check for brake fluid leakage at brake calipers where tube connects toa d a p t e r . I f l e a k a g e i s o b s e r v e d , t i g h t e n f i t t i n g s . I f l e a k a g e c o n t i n u e s,replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).(i) Repeat steps (a) through (h) above for front or rear brake system hoses,l i n e s , a n d f i t t i n g s.(j) Install engine left side panels (page 9-17) and close and lock frontaccess door.7-33
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