TM 5-3805-262-203-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont).Step 6.Crack (open) a fuel injectorline at fuel injection pump,crank engine, and check iffuel is pumped through fuelinjection pump.a .b .If fuel is not pumpedthrough fuel injectionpump, notify next highermaintenance level (fuelinjection pump must ber e p l a c e d ).If fuel is pumped throughf u e l i n j e c t i onstep 7 below.pump , go toStep 7.Unlock and open radiator capaccess panel.Remove radiator cap slowly to relievep r e s s u r e b e f o r e c o m p l e t e l y r e m o v i ngwhen engine is hot. Failure to do socould cause severe burns due to hots t e a m s c a l d i n g y o u .I f y o u a r es c a l d e d b y h o t s t e a m , s e e k m e d i c a laid immediately.Remove radiator cap.Remove engine left and right sidepanels if not already removed(page 9-14).Remove alternator drive belts(page 5-4).Drain coolant from radiator tojust below upper radiator hoseport (page 4-69).Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74).3-18
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