TM 5-3805-262-203-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION5. ENGINE MISFIRES (Cont).Step 2.Operate engine for 15 minutes at idle speed to warm coolant.Unlock radiator cap access panel.Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely remov-ing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due tohot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medicalaid immediately.Carefully remove radiator cap, and measure coolant temperature usinga thermometer (be sure thermometer does not touch any metal parts ofr a d i a t o r ) .Coolant temperature must be between 175 to 202 degrees F.a. If coolant temperature is not between 175 to 202 degrees F, re-move and test thermostat (page 4-87).b. If coolant temperature is between 175 to 202 degrees F, rein-stall radiator cap, close and lock radiator cap access panel,and go to step 3 below.3-20
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