TM 5-3805-262-203-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION5. ENGINE MISFIRES (Cont).Step 3. While assistant cranks engineusing ignition key switch,check for fuel leaks at fueli n j e c t o r l i n e s .a .b .If fuel leaks are seen,t i g h t e n f u e l l i n e s . Iftightening does no good,notify next higher mainte-n a n c e l e v e l ( f u e l i n j e c t orlines must be replaced).If fuel leaks are notseen, go to step 4 below.Step 4.Open radiator cap access panel.R e m o v e r a d i a t o r c a p s l o w l y t o r e-lieve pressure before completely re-moving when engine is hot. Failuret o d o s o c o u l d c a u s e s e v e r e b u r nsd u e t o h o t s t e a m s c a l d i n g y o u . I fy o u a r e s c a l d e d b y h o t s t e a m , s e e kmedical aid immediately.Remove radiator cap.Remove engine left and rightside panels if not alreadyremoved (page 9-14).Remove alternator drive belts(page 5-4).Drain coolant from radiator tojust below upper radiator hoseport (page 4-69).Disconnect upper radiator hosefrom thermostat housing (page4 - 7 4 ).3-21
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