TM 5-3805-262-34TRANSMISSION THEORY OF OPERATION (CONT)Oil Flow with Shifting Spool in Low and Clutch Cutout Actuated. Shifting spool ispulled out of body of transmission control valve. Left brake pedal is applied whichactuates clutch cutout.When left brake pedal is applied, clutch cutout cylinder pushes in spool in clutchcutout valve. Spool closes main pressure passage and oil stops flowing in main pres-sure circuit. Other end of spool stops flow of oil in trimmer circuit. Oil at rightside of trimmer plug is held in place by spool. Bottom part of trimmer circuit isopened to oil sump. Oil can then flow from low clutch through bottom part of trimmercircuit to oil sump. When oil is drained from low clutch, low clutch releases.Remainder of components in transmission operate same as described above in Oil Flowin Neutral.4-92
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