TM 5-3805-262-34
Install tie straps in locations noted during removal.
Locate cab console wiring harness white-blue, blue, and yellow-black
wires terminals. Connect these terminals to associated female bullet ter-
minals of cab lower wiring harness. Do this by grasping terminals with
fingers, alining, and firmly pushing together.
(5) Connect cab console wiring harness white wire terminal to heater fan
motor wire terminal. Do this by grasping terminals with fingers, alining,
and firmly pushing together.
(6) At DEFROSTER switch, connect cab console wiring harness brown-white wire
spade terminal to switch terminal. Do this by grasping spade terminal,
alining with switch terminal, and firmly pushing onto switch terminal.
(7) At 6 ampere circuit breaker just below DEFROSTER switch, connect cab con-
sole wiring harness green wire spade terminal to circuit breaker termi-
nal. Do this by grasping spade terminal with finger, aligning, and firmly
pushing onto circuit breaker terminal.