TM 5-3805-262-34
Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement.
Inspect brake treadle (3) and mounting plate (12) for cracks, breaks,
distortion, or other damage.
Inspect valve body (33) for cracks, distortion, damaged bore, or damaged
Inspect fulcrum pin (2) and roller pin (7) for bent condition. Roll ful-
crum pin on straight, level surface. Replace if fulcrum pin does not roll
smoothly. Roll roller pin on straight, level surface with its head over-
hanging edge of bench. Replace if roller pin does not roll smoothly.
Inspect roller (8) for cracks, breaks, or other damage. Check that bore
is not distorted or deformed.
Inspect plunger (10) for grooves indicating wear, cracks, chipping,
burrs, or other damage.
Inspect spring (14) for cracks, distortion, or signs of permanent set.
Inspect piston (22) for cracks, breaks, chipping, burrs, or other damage.
Check that O-ring groove in piston is not damaged.
Inspect remaining parts for cracks, deformation, distortion, or damaged