TM 5-3805-262-343-12. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT)d. DoubleCheckValveandStopLightSwitch(Cont).DISASSEMBLYLEGEND1. Screws (2)2. Lock washers (2)3. Cover4. Gasket5. Spring6. Switch contact7. Piston8. Diaphragm9. Capscrews (2)10. Cap11. Shuttle12. Shuttle guide13. O-ring14. Body(1) press down on cover (3) and loosen and remove two screws (1) and lockwashers (2).(2) Remove cover (3), gasket (4), and spring (5). Discard gasket (4).(3) Remove switch contact (6).(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Remove piston (7) and diaphragm(8).Put body (14) in vise as shown.Loosen and remove two capscrews(9) and remove cap (10). Shut-tle guide (12) may come offwith cap (10).Remove shuttle (11) from body (14).Pull shuttle guide (12) from cap (10).Remove and discard O-ring (13) from cap (10).3-460
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