TM 5-3805-262-343-14. STEERING GEAR MAINTENANCE (CONT)DISSASSEMBLY (SHEET 2 OF 2)p.Using a screwdriver, remove and discardseal (31) from bushing (39).q.Push seal (32) out of bottom of bushing(39) using your finger and discard seal.r.Put housing (41) in soft jawed vise.Remove plug (33) from housing (41).s.Install an 8-32 by 1-3/4 inches longscrew in valve spool (34).t.Using slip joint pliers grasping head of8-32 screw, pull valve spool (34) andO-rings (35) out of housing (41). Remove8-32 screw from valve spool.u.Remove and discard two O-rings (35) fromvalve spool (34).v.Remove housing (41) from vise. Turn body up and let check ball (36) and re-tainer (37) fall out of housing into your hand.w.If there was hydraulic oil leakage around bushing (39) requiring its remov-al, put housing (41) in soft jawed vise.x.Using punch and screwdriver, move end ofretaining ring (38) out of groove inhousing (41).y.Pull end of retaining ring (38) up anduse a screwdriver to remove retainingring from groove in housing (41).z.Remove housing (41) from vise and put inhydraulic press with bushing (39) facingdownward. Put wood blocks under housingto hold housing up off hydraulic presstable. Press bushing from housing usingsuitable size sleeve or rod.aa. Remove and discard O-ring (40) from bore of bushing (39) in housing (41).3-514
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