TM 5-3805-290-23-1
0008 00
Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting - Continued.
1. If solidified fuel is found, drain and fill
7. If temperature is below 32oF (0oC),
18. Intermittent Low Power or
tank (WP 0166 00).
Power Cutout - Continued.
check for solidified fuel (wax) if tank.
2. If problem still exists, go to Test 8.
8. With engine shutdown, connect MSD 1. If no faults are found, go to Test 10.
and verify boost pressure is 0 psi (0
2. If either of these diagnostic codes are
kPa) and 102-03 Boost Pressure Sensor
logged, go to Test 9.
Short to Batt or 102-04 Boost Pressure
Sensor Short to Ground diagnostic
9. Perform Engine Pressure Sensor Open If problem still exists, go to Test 10.
10. Check restriction indicator on air
1. If restriction is indicated, clean or
replace air cleaner elements (WP 0032
00), remove any blockages or
restrictions, and replace damaged air
inlet and exhaust system lines or hoses
(WP 0033 00 and WP 0041 00).
2. If problem still exists, go to Test 11.
11. Verify that J1/P1 connector is correctly 1. If necessary, reconnect J1/P1.
2. If problem still exists, go to Test 12.
12. Perform Electrical Power Supply
If problem still exists, go to Test 13.
13. Verify fuel injection pump electrical
connector is correctly connected (WP
pump connector.
0164 00).
2. If problem still exists, go to Test 14.
14. Perform Fuel Injection Pump Circuit
If problem still exists, go to Test 15.
15. Operate engine at maximum no-load
If percentages are not within
speed. If programmed upper demand
specifications, perform Digital Throttle
limit cannot be obtained, check throttle
position to ensure it is within
engine speed is erratic, reduce engine
speed. Check that low idle position is
idle. Slowly increase engine speed.
Check that engine speed is steady.
Check that position increases with
more throttle.
0008 00-15