TM 5-3805-298-23-1
Table 1. Air Conditioner Does Not Blow Cold When A/C Is Turned On and
Temperature Control Panel Is Set on Maximum Cool - Continued.
Air Conditioner Does Not
11. A/C system may be overcharged.
Evacuate and Recharge A/C System
Blow Cold When A/C Is
Perform A/C System Performance
- Evacuate and recharge A/C system
Turned On and Temperature
Test (WP 0405).
(WP 0405).
Control Panel Is Set on
Proceed to step 12.
Maximum Cool Continued
12. Monitor and record low pressure
A/C System Performance Test OK -
and high pressure gauge readings. Troubleshooting complete.
Low Pressure Gauge and High
Pressure Gauge Remain Above
(WP 0417).
Proceed to Test Step 8.
Test Step 4. Low Pressure Gauge is
Above Normal and High Pressure
Gauge is Below Normal.
Verify low pressure gauge and high
Low Pressure Gauge and High
pressure gauge are the same
Pressure Gauge Are the Same
not engaging. Troubleshoot A/C
Low Pressure Gauge and High
Pressure Gauge Are Not the Same
(WP 0406).
Proceed to Test Step 8.
Test Step 5. Low Pressure Gauge
and High Pressure Gauge are Both
Below Normal.
Perform A/C System Leak Test
No Leaks Found - Air is in the
(WP 0405).
A/C system. Evacuate and recharge
A/C system (WP 0405).
Proceed to Test Step 8.
Leaks Found - Repair or replace
leaking A/C component.
Proceed to Test Step 8.