TM 55-607/NAVSEA OP 3221 Rev 2
d. 16-Inch Gun Ammunition Unlit Loads.
With the return of
battleships to
the active US
Navy fleet, the movement
of 16-inch gun ammunition unit loads by merchant ships can be expected. There are four types of unit loads for 16-inch
gun ammunition: MILSTD-1323/151, figure 9-66, which consists of six reduce(d-charge powder tank cans stacked
vertically on an MK 12 MOD 0 pallet; MIL-STD-1323/150, figure 9-67, which consists of' six full-charge powder tank cans
stacked vertically on an MK 3 MOD 0 pallet; MIL-STD-1323/145, figure 9-68, which is a single armor-piercing (AP)
projectile in MK 85 MOD 0 handling bands; and MIL-STI)-1323/149, figure 9-69, which consists of two high-capacity (IIC)
projectiles, with adapters, strapped to an MK 3 MOD 0 pallet. Both powder tank unit loads are centered on four-way entry
pallets, and stowage and dunnaging procedures are similar to those for other rectangular unit loads, as detailed in section
9-2. The AP projectile, on the other hand, is a low-demand item and(, normally, will not be carried aboard merchant
ships. Stowage and dunnaging of unit loads of' IIC projectiles, although similar to rectangular unit loads, are unique and
merit separate coverage. Each unit load of 16-inch HC projectiles consists of two projectiles in a frame assembly
strapped securely to a pallet. Since the pallet is located near the base end of the projectile, handling of this load is
possible from only three directions: both sides and the base end. Each unit load weighs about 4,155 pounds; thus,
6,000pound-capacity forklift trucks should be used for handling and stowage operations.
Figure 9-66. Six reduced-charge powder tank cans (MK 12 MOD 0 pallet).