TM 5-3805-255-14
Hydraulic Method of Checking Port Closure (Pump Timing Point)
This procedure is to be used to check pump-to-engine timing.
1. Move governor control lever (Figure 11, Item 1) against high speed screw (Figure 11, Item 6) and secure in this
2. Move shut-off lever (Figure 11, Item 2) approximately 0.375 to 1.000 in. (19 to 25 mm) (Figure 11, Item 5)
(measured at outer pin hole in lever) from STOP (Figure 11, Item 5) toward RUN (Figure 11, Item 3) position
and secure in this position.
If shut-off lever is in full RUN position, starting spring will move injection pump control rack
to its starting position where pump timing is automatically retarded to 10 to 12 degrees
due to retard notch being lined up with control port on plunger.
3. Disconnect fuel line from supply pump at inlet on injection pump. Connect a test pump capable of providing
250 to 300 psi (1,725 to 2,070 kPa) (7 gal/hr. minimum capacity).
4. Remove return valve and plug opening.
5. Disconnect No. 1 fuel injection tube at injection pump delivery valve and install a drip tube. Make drip tube out
of 1/4 in. O.D. injection tubing bent in a U-shape with free end cut at 45 degrees to centerline of tube.