1. Install relief valve in housing. Install seals (22,
1. Disconnect a n d tag all hoses leading to and
from the valve assembly.
23 and 50). Install spool, pistons and springs
(items 55, 56 and 57) in housing.
2. R e m o v e steering valve and column assembly
from the cockpit.
2. I n s t a l l adaptor plate (21). Place bearing and
thrust washer (items 51 and 52) over the shaft
3. Match mark the cap (64), valve body (19), spac-
and against adaptor plate.
er (54) and gear housing (42) to ensure that they
can be located in the exact same position dur-
ing assembly.
3. Carefully slide housing with spool and pistons
intact over shaft. Make sure that the two dowel
4. Remove bolts, lock-washers and cover (61, 62,
pins located on thrust washer are aligned with
64) from valve.
two holes in the bell housing.
5. Remove nut, bearings and thrust washer (58, 60,
66). Remove O-ring (59).
4. Install O-ring (59) thrust washer, bearing and
nut (58, 60 and 66).
6. Carefully slide housing off shaft. Use caution
w h e n removing the housing because the spool
NOTE: The final step in assembly of valve is the
(item 55), pistons (item 57) and springs (item 56)
installation of cap and cap bolts. However, this step
are loose in the housing and may fall.
should not be performed until the valve has been
Remove the spool, pistons and springs (items
55, 56, 57) from housing. Remove the washer
(52), bearing (51), O-ring (22) and adaptor plate
1 . Rotate steering wheel completely to the left
Remove and discard seals (22, 23, 50). Remove
until spring compression can be felt.
the relief valve assembly from the housing.
2. Tighten nut (66) until the steering wheel will not
return by spring pressure. Loosen the locknut
until the steering wheel will return by spring
Thoroughly wash all parts in cleaning solvent
and blow dry with compressed air. Inspect all parts
for nicks, burrs, scratches and foreign material.
Discard all old O-rings and seals. Make certain that
Tighten bolts to 20-25 ft. lb. (2,7651 to 3,4564 kg.
mtrs.) of torque. Install steering valve and col-
the spool (item 55) and pistons (item 57) slide freely
in their respective bores.
u m n assembly in cockpit. Connect hoses and
fill system.