TM 5-3805-258-1033. Remove lower hitch pin spacer with a drift pin andhammer from top side of lower pivot. Be sure driftengages groove on inside of spacer.34. Remove bolt holding upper hitch pin and install pinpuller with sliding weight in center hole of upperhitch pin. Adjustto reduce load onOne man shouldmoving upper pin.jacks under front frame as necessarypin.CAUTIONhold hoses to one side when re-35. Lift hitch pin out and remove from pin puller.NOTEAt this time, the rear section is disconnected fromthe front section for separation. Be sure all hosesand cables are free and moved out of the way.36.CAUTIONTie hoses and steering cylinder rods securely, usingstraps (1 for small hose bundle, 2 for large hoseand rods).Start the engine and allow air pressure to build up.With at least one person holding the hoses clear, andwith transmission in highest gear, back the rear sectionaway from the front. If necessary, when on softground use a lower gear. Stop two to three feet fromthe front section and stop the engine. Reinstall thehitch pins in the rear section bores. Reinstall the cock-pit floor plate.37. Reinstall the articulation cylinder pins in the frontsection bores.91
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