TM 5-3805-258-10
17. In some instances during disassembly or reassembly the
jacks may be needed under the tie-down eyes in the
bucket hitch area tolower the front frame hitch bosses
at the articulation joint.
Before disconnecting any lines, be sure each sec-
tion is properly tagged: 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc.
18. Slowly loosen the hydraulic tank filler cap to relieve
any air pressure in the tank. Remove the front frame
cover plate and disconnect the three hydraulic pilot
lines that are accessible.
To allow light to reach hose area, leave cover plate
off until all hoses are disconnected in the follow-
ing steps. Then reinstall plate.
A chain and binder must be installed securing the
crosstube to the lifting ring. This will prevent
potential sagging of bucket frame when hydraulic
lines are disconnected.
19. Disconnect all hydraulic hoses from the front frame.
Remove hose support brackets holding hoses to
front frame.
20. Remove the two neutralizer valve stops.
Place all items that are removed but not reinstalled
into the tool basket.
21. Unbolt two brackets that attach pilot hose bundles to
front and rear frame. Pull pilot lines out of front frame
and strap them to the hydraulic tank filler spout and
ladder. Reinstall cover plate on front frame.