TM 5-3805-258-10ABNORMAL CONDITIONSTowingThese instructions are for emergenciesONLY. Always haul the machine if longdistances must be traveled,Engine Running:CAUTIONIf the power train and the steering system areoperable, and the engine is running, the vehi-cle can be towed a SHORT DISTANCE,pulled out of mud or to the side of the road.The operator on the towed vehicle MUSTsteer in the direction of the tow line.Engine Stopped:WARNINGDo not push the machine with the enginestopped. The brakes, steering and bucketcontrols will not function.Personnel must NOT be on the machinewhen it is being towed with the enginestopped.Use a tow bar if the machine is to bemoved more than a few feet.Use a tow bar equipped with bumperblocks. They restrict the angle permittedbetween the machine and the towing ma-chine fastened to the machine tow pin.If a tow line must be used, a second ma-chine of the same size or largerattached to the opposite end ofchine being towed. The secondmust brake when going downhill.must bethe ma-machineThe machine can be towed up to 3 km(2 miles), but ONLY if 8 km/h (5 mph) isnot exceeded and the followingprecautionary steps are taken.Perform the following steps before towingthe machine with the engine stopped:1. Reverse the hydraulic steering hoseconnections ON ONE CYLINDER ONLY, sothe steering cylinders can move freely.CAUTIONBe sure the cylinder hoses are connectedcorrectly before operating the machine. Withthe hoses reversed, the steering system willnot function.2. If internal transmission or drive linefailure is suspected, remove the axle shafts.62
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