TM 5-3805-258-10TRANSPORTATION HINTSWARNINGA dangerous pinch point exists at thebucket tip cylinder.Be alert, and useextreme caution when working in thisarea.21.Remove strap from bucket tip cylinderlink.22.Move bucket tip cylinder as needed toaline with the center link pin joint.Twopeople may be needed to move the link intoposition.23.Use the screw jack as needed for finalalinement.Loosely install the centercoupler pin and shims.24.Install capscrews in coupler pins andtighten securely.25.Remove dust plugs from the two smallhydraulic lines from the coupler andmatching lines from the bucket arm.7326.Connecthoses.the two small hydraulic27.Remove the small capscrews from theback of the coupler and use to secure thesmall hose clips.28.Connect the dust plugs together toprevent dirt from entering.29.Remove the dust plugs from the twolarge hydraulic lines from the coupler andthe matching lines from the bucket arms.30.Connect the two large hydrauliclines.Connect the dust plugs together toprevent dirt from entering. Clip tobucket.31.Remove the screw jack. handle, andbase plate from beneath the bucket andstore in proper places on trailer frame.Tighten mounting hardware securely.32.Remove the capscrews securing thesupport brace to the bucket and removethe support braces.33.Reinstall the capscrew and nut insupport braces.Store support braces intheir proper position on trailer frame.Tighten mounting hardware securely.34.Start machine and tip bucket upslightly.
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